Woman overcoming grief after Grief Counselling at Midtown Counselors

Do you love someone who is gone?
Have you lost the thing you thought defined you?
Were there dreams and plans that never materialized?

There are many kinds of losses:

  • Death
  • Miscarriage
  • Divorce
  • Infertility
  • Loss of confidence
  • Loss of innocence

When Someone Dies

When we lose something important to us, we feel grief. Sometimes the losses are so sudden or unthinkable, we feel traumatized. I specialize in traumatic grief counseling.

Because everyone loves differently, everyone grieves differently. There is no right way.  But grief can be so powerful you may need help navigating through it.

You may feel shocked, or confused. You may feel sadness, anger, loneliness, or shakiness. Then there may be times when you laugh honestly and openly. All of this is normal.

At times unanswered questions, and feelings of guilt, or disorientation can feel overwhelming. Very sudden or violent deaths bring complicated layers of feelings.

I can provide you with strategies to manage the intensity of these emotions, so that you can move through the process of mourning and still live your life.

There is often a spiritual awareness when someone dies and I am happy to incorporate your own faith into the therapy.  So many things change when someone dies. It is nice to have greater comforts at hand.

Midtown counselor Sacramento therapy office of Sharon Skelton LMFT Certified EMDR therapist for trauma

When Losses are Old

When children experience death, hard divorces, or other losses, they usually develop ways to cope and continue to grow.  But, later in adulthood, a new event can awaken those old losses. You may find you are grieving for both, and this is a good time for therapy. You will need new, adult coping strategies because the ones that worked for you when you were younger may not work for you now that you have adult relationships.

Grief does lessen over time.  It also has a circular quality.  Anniversaries, holidays, and seasonal markers can reawaken sorrow.  Therapy can help during these times as well.

I would like to help you honor the love you feel, and let go of the pain.

If you have experienced a traumatic loss, please see my page on EMDR.


I am certified in Critical Incident Stress Debriefing, otherwise know as “The Mitchell Model,” for small groups.

Why I Love What I Do

Therapy Makes A Big Difference
Sharon Skelton Mid-town Sacramento Therapist EMDR

I feel so privileged to help people who are working to live more authentically and find more joy in their relationships. I believe that work benefits everyone.

Sharon Skelton, LMFT – Midtown Sacramento Counselor

Like all explorers, we are drawn to discover what’s out there without knowing yet if we have the courage to face it.

— Pema Chödrön